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For Aurora Minerals Group's most valuable resource is the employees and their wealth of experience and professionalism. We welcome new employees in our friendly and close-knit team. The company's management is committed to do everything possible so that every employee be proud of our work as a team and get satisfied, feeling its own contribution to the achievement of a common goal.

Oleg Panfilov

Lead geologist

He was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Graduated from Kazakh Polytechnical Institute with a major in “Geologic Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits”.

His professional experience started in 1980 with the Central Geochemical Office. At different times he held positions of senior, lead and head geologist in such organizations as “Priisk Yagodnoe”, “Expedition of Geological and Economic Studies”, “Altynalmas” JSC, “Geotex” JSC, “Geomining” JSC, “Kaztechinvest” LLP, “Primetals” LLP, “Altynsaigeo” JSC, “Brend” LLP, “Geoproject Invest” LLP.

He was involved in prospecting ore fields in Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan.

He has a wide experience in prospecting, exploration and pilot mining of alluvial gold. In the recent years he’s been in charge of exploration and development of Akkarginsk gold deposits at South-East Transurals.

Altynai Kabi

Managing Director, Information Technology and Administration 

She was born in Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan.

Graduated from Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov with a major in “Automation and Control”.

Her professional experience started in 2008 with “Engineering and Metrology Center” LLP under “Turgai-Petroleum” JSC as an automatic control engineer.

During 2012-2016 yrs. she held the position of the head of the Information Technology Departament of the RCGI “Kazgeoinform” under the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use. She was in charge of issues related to technical support and upgrade of information systems of the State Subsoil Resources Data Bank; took part in formation of the terms of reference, as well as in startup of the interactive map of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use. She worked as a manager of the project “Cooperation between Central Asian Countries and Geological Survey of Finland for Provision of Geological Information”.

From September of 2016 through February of 2017 she’s held the position of the Director of Geological Database Support Department at JSC «Kazgeology».