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Aurora AG Limited has launched an airborne geophysical survey in East Kazakhstan, as a part of the Kazzinc LLP project.

Airborne geophysical studies are performed to assess the presence of minerals in the areas already studied. For this purpose, aircraft with special equipment installed is used. The equipment is able to process the signal to a depth of about 700 meters underground.

To this day the first successful acquisition test flights have already been completed over the target areas in the Ridder region and the production flights have already been started. In total, it is planned to cover about 8000 line kilometers or 1,500 km2 of the survey area.

The project is carried out on advanced airborne electromagnetic system - SkyTEM 312HP that is equipped on helicopter Airbus H125 (AS350B3e) delivered from Germany to perform the job.

Given the mountainous terrain and the sharp drop in altitude in the study area, special attention is paid to the safety of flight operations. This airborne geophysical survey is carried out in accordance with the international aviation standard for safe work BARS (Basic Aviation Risk Standard).