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Group of companies
Our principles
  • Safety

  • Ethical standards

  • Quality

  • Innovations

  • Safety

    Health, labor and environmental protection

    Safe work is one of the core values of the Company and the responsibility of every employee. The Company maintains a steady commitment to high standards in the field of health, labor and safety of employees, customers, contractors, as well as environmental protection in places of residence and work.

    We assume the following obligations:

    • always and under any circumstances ensure and strive to improve the health, labor and safety requirements of our employees;
    • eliminate cases of non-compliance with safety requirements and prevent accidents;
    • minimize the impact on the environment by preventing pollution and limiting emissions, efficient use of natural resources, as well as reducing and recycling waste;
    • develop and apply emergency response and response plans;
    • ensure the adoption of appropriate measures for the non-proliferation of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, taking into account the requirements of authorized bodies.
    • discuss with stakeholders and seek an understanding of our policies, standards, programs and actions in the field of health, labor and the environment;

    If possible, to improve our activities in those areas that are important to stakeholders and have global significance, to share with them the successful experience of implementing programs and initiatives in the field of health, labor and the environment.

    Our team
    Our partners