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We performed geophysical resistivity survey and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) topo-geodetic survey at the request of SOYUZ-V LLP. The site is located in the East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main goal of the study was a quantitative assessment of the volume of tailings material.


The calculation of the volume based on the data obtained by Aurora Geophysics Limited field geophysical crew. These are digital models of the depth distribution of the lower surface of the flotation tailings layer and the absolute elevations of the tailings layer top surface. Geophysical electrotomography survey was performed using Aurora Geophysics patented technology AURORA INSIGHT with GDD equipment.



A complex of aerial topo-geodetic work performed using a DJI Matrice 300 RTK UAV with a high-precision DJI Zenmuse L1 lidar. The volume of the Tailings Storage Facility calculated using special software in two independent ways.



This project is extremely relevant, since TSF-s are truly significant objects for the national economy. Tailings Storage Facilities are special artificial structures designed to store products from the processing of mineral resources and have the potential for mining. Successful realization of this potential requires careful planning and costing of operation and treatment of tailings based on their volume estimates.


The development of geophysical techniques for TSF monitoring makes it possible to solve environmental problems during operation and minimize the negative impact on the environment.


Aurora Geophysics Limited remains committed to delivering exceptional geophysical services and innovative solutions to the mining and exploration industry. With a skilled team of experts and a dedication to employing the latest technologies, the company continues to provide invaluable geological and geophysical insights and support to its clients.


For more information about Aurora Geophysics Limited and its services, please visit aurora.kz or contact info@aurora.kz.