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On April 11-12, 2024, the Satbayev International Conference 2024 "Integration of Science and Technology: Path to Sustainable Development" took place in Almaty. This event brought together leading scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and students to discuss key issues related to the progress of scientific and technological advancement and its impact on sustainable development.


One of the prominent participants in the conference was Aurora Limited, which presented its report titled "Geophysical monitoring - a component of safe and environmentally friendly tailings management" in the "Geology and Oil & Gas" section. The report sparked lively interest among specialists and raised numerous questions regarding the potential of geophysical methods at all stages of the geological exploration process.


Anton Tatarsky, a leading geophysicist at Aurora Limited, took an active part in the committee evaluating the student papers. This allowed him to share his experience and knowledge with young scientists and contribute to the training of future industry specialists.


The master class conducted by the company representative was a significant event for students interested in geophysics. He elaborated on the application of geophysical methods to solve ore-related challenges using Aurora Limited as an example, addressing many student questions and sharing practical aspects of field and office work, the specifics of applied methods, and the prospects of new technologies in the field.

The meeting with students was a valuable experience for Aurora Limited representatives, allowing them to meet potential future industry specialists who will contribute to the development of the domestic geological exploration industry in the coming years. Such interactions promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between professionals and the younger generation, which is an important factor in stimulating innovation and sustainable development in the industry.